Science Building

Administrative Terms and Conditions

1.    Law Relating to Contracts

Administrative (non-teaching) staff terms and conditions are subject to the Lebanese Labour Law and amendments.

2.    Types of Contracts

There are two types of contracts:

2.1.   Permanent

Permanent contracts are not for a fixed period. They may be ended by resignation, dismissal, or retirement. All permanent appointments are subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of three months.

2.2.   Fixed Term

Fixed term contracts terminate after a stated period of time or date.

3.    Salaries, Benefits, and Deductions

3.1.   Salaries

Salaries are related to qualifications and years of experience. Salaries are paid in Lebanese currency in arrears on a monthly basis over twelve months.  They are subject to increments every 2 years and any cost of living increase agreed by the Lebanese Government.

3.2.   Transport Allowance

Based on current government employment laws, there is a transport allowance of 450,000LL per working day, except for staff who live on campus. Transport allowance is not paid for non-working days or during any absence. It is payable for staff who use the buses and act as a supervisor on the bus.

3.3.   Reduction on BHS Tuition Fees

Full-time staff get a 50% reduction on BHS tuition fees for their children. This reduction does not apply to charges for insurance, activities and computer.

3.4.   Accommodation

Furnished accommodation and full board may be provided for staff who have responsibilities related to boarding students or whose duties require them to live on campus. Full board is provided in the cafeteria in term time (as and when provided for the boarding students).

3.5.   School Transport

Staff may use the buses provided for students free of charge in return for supervisory duties whilst on the bus. In such cases, transport allowance continues to be paid.

3.6.   Income Tax

With effect from 1 February 2024, the income tax rate based on monthly income is as follows:

From To Tax
LL 1 LL 30,000,000 2%
LL 30,000,001 LL 75,000,000 4%
LL 75,000,001 LL 150,000,000 7%
LL 150,000,001 LL 300,000,000 11%
LL 300,000,001 LL 600,000,000 15%
LL 600,000,001 LL 1,125,000,000 20%
LL 1,125,000,001 And over 25%

Depending on a person’s status (e.g. single, married, number of children), a percentage of the income may be exempt from tax.

3.7.   Taxation on Benefits

The Ministry of Finance requires us to apply the law regarding taxation of benefits. This law specifies that all benefits are subject to tax.

Tuition fees are taxable after the deduction of an educational allowance (equal to the educational allowance the government pays to its employees). This annual tax free allowance applies to each child between the ages of 4 and 25 years and is currently:

  • 4,000,000LL for government schools and Lebanese University (Maximum 12,000,000LL)
  • 12,000,000LL for private schools and universities (Maximum 36,000,000LL)

3.8.   National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

Staff with Lebanese nationality (and of countries with reciprocal arrangements) are automatically members of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).

In addition to school’s contribution, starting from 1 April 2024 employees pay 3% by deduction on monthly basic salary of up to 90,000,000 LL (i.e. 5 times the minimum wage) – a maximum payment of 2,700,000 LL per month. This is payable even if the employee is not eligible for NSSF benefits.

The benefits cover:

  • In-patient hospitalisation: up to 90% of all the customary medical expenses incurred during a stay in a hospital (3rd class) arising from sickness or accident.
  • Out-patient benefits: up to 80% of examinations and medical tests that are required for any diagnostic purpose and that do not require hospitalisation. These include doctor’s fees, medicines and laboratory tests.

3.9.   Additional Medical Insurance

Additional medical insurance, to upgrade to 1st or 2nd class hospitalisation and 100% of lab tests and emergency room fees, may be obtained privately.

4.    Leave of Absence

4.1.   Sick Leave and Sick Pay

Absence for more than one day requires a member of staff to submit a doctor’s report on his/her return. Please note that there is no entitlement to a regular day off every month without a valid medical reason.  The Lebanese laws relating to sick leave are followed.

Currently, staff who have a medical report covering the period of absence, are entitled to a minimum of 15 days at full pay and 15 days at half pay (from 3 months to 2 years of service). The entitlement increases with years of service to 2½ months at full pay and 2½ months at half pay after 10 years of service.

4.2.   Pregnancy and Maternity Leave and Maternity Pay

The school implements the Lebanese employment law, which stipulates ten weeks’ pregnancy and maternity leave (including weekends and public holidays) on full pay. This includes absences due to pregnancy before the delivery date.

4.3.   Bereavement

The school implements the Lebanese employment law, which stipulates two days’ leave following the death of a husband, wife, child, father, mother, sister or brother.

4.4.   Other Leave of Absence

Leave of absence, other than leave specified in the Lebanese laws, may be approved at the discretion of the line manager and the Bursar.

5.    Working Hours

The Labour Law provides for a maximum 48 working hours per week.  BHS administrative staff are required to work 40 hours per week. The standard hours are Monday to Friday 7:45am to 3:45pm.

The working week of 40 hours does not include scheduled breaks. One short break per day, of 10-20 minutes, is considered acceptable.

Staff are required to sign in and out in an attendance register. The attendance register is subject to periodic audit.

Reduced working hours during the summer are at the discretion of the Administration.

6.    Vacations

Administrative staff are entitled to public holidays as decreed by the Government. Annual vacations as governed by the Lebanese Labour Laws (15 working days after the first year of service) with the dates to be agreed with the administration. The holidays have no connection with the holidays granted to teaching staff or students.

7.    Resignation

Staff on permanent contracts who wish to resign must give notice based on the number of years of service:

Service   Notice
3 months to 3 years 1 month
3-6 years 2 months
6-12 years 3 months
After 12 years 4 months

For staff on fixed term contracts the resignation period is specified in the letter of appointment.

8.    Discipline/Termination of Contract

The school has a staff code of conduct. Breaches of the code of conduct lead to an initial verbal warning recorded by the line manager. Subsequent breaches result in written warnings to be signed and kept on file and may result in termination of contract. If the school wishes to terminate a permanent contract, the notice periods above apply.

9.    Grievance Procedure

A grievance procedure, to address staff problems which have not been resolved through the normal procedures, is being developed.

This information may be subject to amendment without prior notice.