Friends of Brummana

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

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The school’s Quaker Trustees continue to progress in their efforts for international reach for fundraising and support. This Friends of BHS group is being established for exactly that purpose – for Quakers in the UK and Ireland to meet, discuss, coordinate and publicise the school’s extreme current challenges, with their Quaker Meetings and networks in particular no doubt willing to support the BHS community in this time of need. This advert has been placed in The Friend magazine (UK) throughout the month of October. The first meeting of the ‘Friends’ will be at the end of the month. Thank you very much in advance to all those offering their time and energy to this group and to our cause. Thank you also to our QuIET Trustees as always for their continued efforts, with this development coming from the international fundraising strategy developed through the joint QuIET / BHS fundraising group.