Hiking with the Teachers Association
Saturday, 7 May 2022
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Saturday, 7 May was hiking day with the Teachers’ Association, stretching from Batroun village club up to Kaftoun, a distance of around 12 to 13 Kms. It was a most picturesque walk taking the group up through a steep and spectacular ravine and following the water course of a river in full spate. They passed, amongst other things, a medieval fortress and a magnificent dam which has been built in recent years to provide the people of Batroun with water. It was a glorious day and while at times they were in full sunlight at other times they walked through leafy woodland, but always in the company of water beneath their feet. They climbed an amazing staircase which reminded the Principal of the Great Wall of China. They came across many ancient, disused, water mills which once upon a time must have provided the area with bread. Although the track they followed was largely being followed by walkers such as them, they did pass by flocks of sheep. The Principal is most grateful to the Teachers’ Association and particularly to Mouheeb Akl and Samir Ayache for organising the hike. It was great to have the company of colleagues, of whom there were about 30 in all. They came back to school around 7:00 in the evening, weary but very happy with the day out.