The Upper Primary has three grade levels: Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6.
In Upper Primary , students learn about the wider world in a child-centred environment. We reinforce our school values which are individuality, tolerance, peaceful resolution and respect for ourselves and for others.
Hands-on activities are part of each subject. All students study English, Arabic, French, mathematics, science, social studies, computer studies, art, music, drama and physical education. Students who do not follow the Lebanese programme learn Arabic as a second language.
We have introduced effectively two major programmes ,the Cambridge curriculum and the PSHE( Personal , social and health education).
The Cambridge curriculum sets clear learning objectives in all subjects and focuses on developing knowledge and skills in core subjects to form an excellent foundation for future study.
The PSHE programme aims to provide children with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy , healthy , safe and prepared for their life and career.
Differentiated learning in English, maths, science and social studies (in English) is provided for each class by a subject teacher.
The school will be administering the Cambridge progression test to help ensure that our students are meeting international standards. . We also administer the DELF exam (Diplôme d’Etude en Langue Française).
We have introduced a collection of reading books in Arabic and English, each organised by levels of ability. Students enjoy a variety of cultural and interdisciplinary texts whereby they acquire general knowledge and widen their imaginations by reading books online.
Students benefit from experimentation in the science lab, hands-on classes in the computer labs and the use of a library. Each English class has a weekly session in the library to allow students to select books from our unique collection. Our academic programme is enriched by the use of interactive whiteboards in each grade.
Social development is of great importance for Upper Primary students, and peers play a significant role in the students’ lives. Activities such as the maths contest, social studies contests , Academic fair and celebrations of holidays allow students to focus their interests and energies. They develop their self-confidence by learning how to research and do projects in various subjects, and then by presenting them in front of an audience.
Each section has a class adviser. The class adviser and the counsellor are available to help students deal with social and academic concerns. Our counsellor provides group counselling and meets with individuals. We are happy to have a learning support specialist to our child support team.
As the students become more coordinated physically, organised sports are introduced as a part of physical education. Students are divided into groups and enjoy competing against each other in athletics. We are lucky to have spacious playgrounds.
There is a wealth of activities provided for our students. They may attend an activity of their choice such as, dancing, basketball, Touch Rugby, rollerblading, wall-climbing, football, table tennis, Gardening and Cricket.
In addition, our assemblies introduce students to various wider topics such as( Being me and my world, Celebrating differences, Healthy Me, Relationship, Changing Me… etc) .
At the end of each academic year grade 6 students attend an orientation session in the Intermediate Section of the Upper School where they meet teachers, learn buildings names and locations, and are informed about the offered courses.
For more information, please contact Shatha Abu Khalil, Head of the Primary Section.
Grade Descriptor for English – Grade Descriptor Science – Grade Descriptor for Maths