The school has extensive sports facilities, with its own football and athletic field, outdoor swimming pool, climbing wall, gymnasium and dance studio, and volleyball, basketball and tennis courts. Recent additions to the facilities include multi-gym with 17 pieces of equipment as well as an indoor sports court. Scheduled to come online in spring 2020 is the new BHS Sports Arena, featuring a grade one artificial grass sports pitch and running track.
We organise different events throughout the academic year to involve students in various activities. The BHS Walkathon is an annual long-distance walk organised by the PE Department as a fundraising event, with the participation of students, teachers, parents and visitors.
The Santa Fun Run takes place on the last day before the Christmas vacation. Upper School students run along the main road of the town of Brummana spreading Christmas cheer.
At the end of the academic year it is a long-standing tradition that each section has a Field Day, and the Upper School also has a Games Day. Students are allocated to one of the three school houses (Little, Rizkallah and Waldmeier) which then compete against each other in track and field and group games and other activities.

We also offer various after-school sporting activities that include dancing, rollerblading, wall climbing, martial arts, football, basketball, volleyball, rugby and table tennis. The varied programme of activities, with arts also offered, gives students a chance to develop culturally, artistically and physically in an informal atmosphere and allows students to express themselves and share their ideas freely. After-school activities take place as per the following schedules: