Brummana High School recognizes the importance of school trips and residential visits (trips where students stay overnight) as an integral and enriching part of the learning experience for BHS students. The aim of the school trips and residential visits is to support, and promote, the development of the members of the community. This opportunity for development includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
- Curriculum based learning experiences
- Aspects of Personal, Social, and Health Education
- Learning experiences beyond the taught curriculum

A small group of IB and LP students will have the opportunity to attend and study at Sidcot School ( in the UK as part of a one-way exchange trip also in May 2020. Students will be able to take part in Theory of Knowledge, Community Action and Service and other IB lessons and activities there. Sidcot School students obtained approximately twice as many A’s and A*’s at GCSE than the UK National Average, which is an impressive achievement. Sidcot School values curiosity, simplicity, equality, empathy, personal responsibility, speaking up and being heard and these values are part of the Quaker philosophy that underpins life at Sidcot School. We are sure this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for these lucky students!
We are also planning a Modern Foreign Language Trip to France for spring 2021. This will be an exciting opportunity for students their French in the city of Paris. For example, the IGCSE course has a strong focus on both ‘living in a city’ and ‘tourism’ in its units of study. This residential overseas trip will reinforce what the students have studied and enable them to practice in real life scenarios. The students will be visiting some of the most famous of Paris’s tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower and the Musee d’Orsay. The learning experience promises to be excellent!