The Counselling Team plays a key role in enabling well-being across Brummana High School (BHS). If our students are to flourish, achieve academically and successfully navigate their way through life, it is vital that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure that they are emotionally healthy, and this is exactly what we aim to do. At some point we all need to talk!

Counsellors are available to meet with students and assist those experiencing academic, social or personal problems. Some students approach the counsellors themselves, others are referred by their Head of Section, adviser, teacher, school doctor or a friend. Meetings can be very informal, especially with the younger students.

Students going through a transition, coming from a different school or background, entering adolescence or with changes going on at home, can find it helpful to have a chat with someone at school who can help him/her understand the changes they are going through. If appropriate, the counsellor can work with the parents and the teachers to ease the transition. The counsellor also assists teachers develop a greater understanding of child and adolescent development and individual differences and works with the heads of section to promote student well-being.

Besides individual counselling, referrals to professional therapists, psychologists and special needs specialists within the community are provided, and we schedule preventative guidance workshops or presentations by specialist guest speakers on subjects such as the dangers of drugs.

Meet the Counsellors