Medical Care

BHS has a responsive and accessible medical service Monday to Friday, from 7:30am until 15:30pm for the winter schedule, and from 8:00am until 14:00pm for the summer schedule.

Professional nursing staff at BHS are always available to take care of students when they are sick, to educate them on how to prevent illness and to support them whenever they need any medical help.

BHS has two spacious, private Sick Bays, staffed by one registered nurse in each, and a paediatrician who attends on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00am to 11:00am, and who is on standby at other times. The Sick Bays (one located in the Lower School and the other in the Upper School) offer an excellent service to students, treating the usual minor ailments, while trying to avoid unnecessary medication. Both Sick Bays are equipped to provide emergency and first aid treatments, to carry out physical examinations and to provide medicinal drugs if required.

The Medical Department also offers regular preventative medical advice, to parents and students, on matters related to health.”If they have a fever,” explains Dr. Mireille Zalzal Batrouni, “we check them, then call their parents before taking any action. If necessary, we send the sick child home. If a student presents with tonsillitis, for example, I’ll write a note to the parents regarding treatment and medication, and invite the child to come back later in the week if s/he is not fully recovered. And for the boarders, the Sick Bay offers overnight accommodation, if necessary, with a night nurse on duty.”

To obtain the Medicine Permission Form, please click here

Click to obtain the Student Health Form and the Staff Health Form .

Contact details of doctor and nurses:

Dr. Mireille Zalzal Batrouni, MD ext:233

Infant and Elementary Sick Bay, Nathalie Sebaaly, RN ext:233

Intermediate and Secondary Sick Bay, ext:222

Accident and Medical Emergency Procedures