> Prevent Panic
> Panic in Uncertain Times
> Safe Outdoor Activities during COVID-19
> Zinc FAQs
> Vitamin C FAQs
> Vitamin D FAQs
> Reducing Stigma
>Helping Children Cope
> Caring for Someone with COVID-19 at Home
> What Happens When You Sit Down All Day
> When You Can Be Around Others
> BHS Safe Sneezing Guide
> Treating Coronavirus at Home
> COVID-19 Vs Flu
> COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
> Hand Washing Frequently Asked Questions
> COVID-19 Screening Checklist Before School
> COVID-19 Rapid Response Guidance
> Tracing COVID-19
> Tips on Helping Kids Wear Masks
> The Immune System
The Coronavirus entered the country during February 2020 and classes at school were stopped at the end of that month. The school campus was then placed on lockdown shortly afterwards, following a government directive. The school has been providing online learning for the majority of the time since.
The school has been thoroughly disinfected, with classrooms and offices cleaned and locked. Medical advice is regularly provided to the community by way of emails as well as updates and posts on the school’s website and official social media accounts. The school also ran a successful student artwork competition early on in the pandemic, calling for students to create drawings, paintings and videos on Covid-19 using one fact from the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Questions & Answers website page. For World Health Day on April 7th last year, the Student Council ran a medical quiz on their Instagram page. The links above include weekly updates provided be the BHS Medical Department on how to remain safe and achieve good health during this challenging time. Helpful videos have also been posted on the school’s social media channels.

Social Distancing & Keeping Healthy Hygiene Habits
The school, in line with best local and global medical advice, strongly advocates for all members of its community to continue practicing social distancing, the wearing of masks and keeping healthy hygiene habits. This includes not unnecessarily visiting family or friends’ homes, making visits to shops or meeting in groups in public spaces. We strongly advise to ensure a two-metre distance is kept between people as far as possible and to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Now that vaccinations have entered the country and are being administered nationally, the school nevertheless continues to advise on the above safe practices. For the medical professionals in our community, we remain extremely grateful for your efforts as you and your colleagues continue the fight in Lebanon and right around the world.
Trusted Resources for Medical Advice
Please click on any of these links provided for reliable information on the virus and prevention methods:
WHO Q&A: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
WHO Advice for the Public: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
UNICEF – What Parents Should Know: https://www.unicef.org/lebanon/coronavirus
Lebanese Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org.lb/index.aspx?pageid=907
Interesting findings about COVID-19 and Children (by Novalac): https://bhs.edu.lb/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Covid19-and-Children.pdf
Swim England advice and guidance regarding novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)