Amir Haffar ’08 Memorial on Campus
Friday, 18 February 2022
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Friday, February 18: In loving memory of Old Scholar Amir Haffar ’08, the school hosted a memorial attended by many of his friends on campus and many more virtually. VP Academics Georges Rizkallah and HOS Intermediate Rima Habib shared the school’s deepest sympathies. Old Scholar Nader Dernaika shared a very heartfelt tribute and a very moving video compiled of photos and short clips of the late Amir was played. The school had also prepared a short video (Hyperlink: of photos from his time at BHS. Following the Meeting House, his friends stayed on campus and visited the Boarding House with Head of Boarding Rabih Aouad, reminiscing altogether cherished memories from their time with Amir on campus. Rest in Peace dear Amir.