Author Talk: Mishka Moujabber

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

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An excellent talk was given in the Thomas Little Memorial Library by Mishka Moujabber, Governor and writer of prose and poetry.  She gave a colourful presentation which was focused largely on identity, not least because she speaks 5 languages, was born in Egypt, had a Greek mother, lives in Lebanon and whose first language is English; so not surprisingly having had a very interesting life, much of her writing is associated with the nature of identity. A large number of students attended and they were most attentive and listened quietly while she read from her poetry and from her prose, but best of all they asked innumerable questions at the end which were challenging and thought provoking and showed how interested they were and how closely they had listened to what she had said.  Thank you to the Librarian Carmen Hage for setting up this  author’s talk which had been planned from before the lockdown, but had never taken place owing to the pandemic.  The talk whetted the appetite of some of our students who are interested in writing, to read more and to write something on a daily basis. Many staff also attended and in fact the library was so full that there were people looking in at the session from outside the room owing to the limited place available.