Grade 8 IP Orientation Evening

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

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On Wednesday, 30 March, Principal Gray went to the Khoury Hall where he hosted the Grade 8IP Orientation evening for parents and students, including some students in the Lebanese programme who are thinking of switching so that students and parents could become better informed about the options available at IGCSE in Grade 9. Mr Gray is grateful to Advisors for having spoken in advance of the orientation evening to students about a range of choices with which they were presented, to Caline Kouyoumjian, Head of Careers, who had fully informed Advisors and was present in her role as Careers Head at the evening to answer parental questions, to all staff who attended on behalf of subject departments to answer parental and students’ questions, and to George Rizkallah for having organised the evening and given his own presentation on the range of options available.

The Principal felt that this was a much more successful evening than we had had two years ago mainly because the planning was much improved so that by the time the students and their parents arrived at the orientation, they were already well informed and had had some discussion about the system and the process of making choices.