Inaugural BHS Online Trivia Night!
Monday, 8 February 2021
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Monday, February 8th saw 30 staff members participate in BHS’ first trivia tournament. The 30 players who made up seven strong teams joined their hosts, Sage Ball (Vice Principal Pastoral), Richard Bampfylde (Marketing Manager) and Thérésia Chamat (KG2 Teacher Assistant and Head of Infant’s Online Learning Committee), for a total of six rounds of challenging and fun quiz questions. Rounds included for the evening were: Dingbats, City Skylines, Lebanon, Music, Famous Faces and BHS. The evening commenced at 5:15pm and went way beyond the scheduled end-time of 6:45pm, with nearly 90% of staff still online come the close around 7:30pm. Seems that our teams were not very competitive at all then… The very intelligent and fun seven teams were (in registration order): BHS Backbone, The Answering Machine, Dr Binocs, Quaranteam, MFEL, Les Quizerables, The Four Pillars and Trivia Trio. The event was hosted on Teams, with half the rounds administered in Breakout Rooms and the others displayed on Teams but administered on WhatsApp. Though there were of course some teething problems as we kicked off with this format, it’s amazing to think how successful the online event was and how this most likely just wouldn’t have been possible 12 months ago. Bravo to the hosts and bravo to all the teams for their technical expertise. A special congrats and mabrouk to BHS Backbone who ran out the winners! Very well done to all who participated. See you for the next!
N.B. there have been enquiries from our community as to whether parents and old scholars could participate in the future. Who knows but we suggest you watch this space…