Music at BHS
Monday, 16 January 2023
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By David Gray
I had a meeting with Rosy El Hage who runs our Choir to discuss progress with the Choir, future presentations and the likelihood of raising the profile of music on the curriculum in the Upper School from September 2023 onwards, a matter which was discussed at our curriculum committee meeting later in the day. We had a good session at which it was acknowledged that the Arts were under represented in the school, particularly in certain years in the Lower School and in all years in the Upper School where there is no music taught and limited amounts of Art and Drama only before students are invited to opt for these subjects at IGCSE and A Level. We agreed unanimously to improve the amount of time spent particularly on Art, Music and Drama in the school which together with Computer studies and PE occupy only an average of 14% of time on the curriculum. This is not to decry in any way the other more major subjects, but rather to ensure a balanced and broad curriculum for all students so that their aesthetic and cultural awareness as well as their emotional intelligence are developed as well as their intellectual capacities.