Navigating Environmental Security in the Arab World

Monday, 14 June 2021

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Student Natalie A. gave a wonderful online presentation on the Youth-a-thon Instagram platform about Navigating Environmental Security in the Arab World. Click HERE to read the full text.

Below you will find her profile and session description for the Youth-a-thon event.


Name: Natalie A.

Age: 17 

Country: Lebanon 

Bio: Natalie is a 17-year-old senior from Lebanon who has been passionate about nature from a very young age – inevitable for someone growing up between the Mediterranean Sea and lush cedar forests. With Lebanon going through its infamous garbage crisis, she led her school’s Sustainability Program, numerous beach and underwater cleanups, and efforts to pressure municipalities into banning single-use plastics. This year, she worked with young environmentalists from around the world to explore intersections between areas of study and SDGs, such as data mining social media posts to map nuisance floods. Having witnessed the intersectionality of environmental conservation, she is determined to pursue a degree in environmental law, in hopes of restoring nature in all its beauty in Lebanon and the rest of the world. 


Title: Navigating Environmental Security in the Arab World 

Description: “Environmental security” was first defined in the 1970s to describe the relationship between political and social turmoil and environmental conservation – a connection epitomized by the Arab World. In this session, we will explore how conflict affects the environment and conservation efforts, with particular focus on Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. We will also identify sustainability barriers in turbulent countries and brainstorm ways to overcome them. Finally, we will end on a hopeful note, share personal experiences, and get to know initiatives that are regionally and internationally spearheading climate mitigation.