Having an activity period every Monday is an amazing experience to relieve stress and express ourselves freely. What makes my activity period even more fruitful is the Arts Club I joined this year. In this club I become a creative and a happy student. This is because I use my drawing to express an idea for a certain event. For example, when decorating for Christmas, I drew meaningful pictures that symbolise the meaning of Christmas and the acts of kindness people do in this holy season. Also, I used an attractive colour coordination pattern while colouring my drawings to reflect a great work of art.
Archives: Testimonials
bhs testimonials
Clubs & Activities – Football & Basketball – Carl Smayra, Grade 7
During activity periods on Mondays, I play football or sometimes basketball. In football, we pick two teams and play a match altogether until the time is over. In basketball, we sometime play games such as “Knock out” or play matches “3 vs 3” and switch so everyone could be able to play. I really enjoy activity period because there are so many activities you can play, and you really feel happier.
Carl Smayra, Grade 7
French 05
Ce cours [Français B] en particulier m’a permis d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour devenir communicative, sensée et surtout altruiste.
18 Janvier 2019
French 04
Le cours du français [B] m’a présenté un large éventail d’idées et de points de vue.
Théa Haddad
19 Janvier 2019
French 03
«Je peux dire que l’expérience du DELF B2 était géniale !».
Michel Ghaleb,
Grade 12 LP
Janvier, 2019
French 02
«L’expérience de la passation du DELF B2 reste pour moi un souvenir inoubliable. A mes yeux, la compétence la plus intéressante, c’est la production orale où on doit donner notre point de vue et puis débattre avec des experts en langue française …».
Tarek Yared
Grade 12LP
Janvier, 2019
French 01
« J’encourage vivement tous les élèves de B.H.S à doubler leurs efforts et présenter le DELF B2 car c’est sans doute une expérience exceptionnelle. Personnellement, je suis fière de pouvoir le mettre sur mon C.V ! »
Jennifer Bu Jaoude
Grade 12 LP
Janvier, 2019
Lower Primary 04
Hello Mrs. Shatha. Please allow me to start the new week thanking you and all the hardworking staff for a wonderful Open House idea. I have been observing along a week prior to the Open House day, a happy kid with glowing eyes, eager to challenge, full of energy and enthusiasm in order not to miss the day that he was dreaming to experience… Can’t but thank you all again and hope such critical thinking and STEM system be applied in everyday for FUTURE learning.
A parent
17 March 2019
Lower Primary 03
Lower Primary Open House
Shatha, I just wanted to say that I loved the topic this year, so different, creative and so updated. We enjoyed it! And the kids as well. Well done!
A parent
15 March 2019
Social Science: Anna Yaghi
At first, I really wanted to do my EE in TOK…I wish I can do so even now.
Anna Yaghi
IB1 2019