Smiling Students

Financial Aid (Bursary)

The school does its best to respond to those families in greatest need. The Brummana High School Financial Aid (Bursary) Scheme gives assistance towards the payment of tuition fees for established students at Brummana High School whose family circumstances have changed so as to cause hardship. Limited funds, available from several sources including optional payments, may be distributed to students who need financial assistance. Financial Aid is for tuition fees only and does not apply to the non-tuition element of boarding fees or to other fees such as activities, insurance and computer fees. Families are not eligible to apply if the child has not yet attended the school for a full academic year, or if the child is attending the Infant Section, or where the family is still in arrears from the previous year. Awards are subject to the availability of funds, to an annual review of family circumstances and are made on the basis of financial need. A committee convenes to determine awards based on a scale approved by the Board. All awards are made at the discretion of the committee and their decision is final.

Parents can apply yearly for Financial Aid by filling in a form, which can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The completed form should be returned to the Bursar before 30 November of each year. A financial statement is requested from all eligible applicants. These awards are conditional on the remaining fees being paid on time. All applications are treated in confidence.

Further information is available from the Bursar.
Telephone: 961 24 960430/1/2 x 240
Fax: 961 24 961225
